Our trading fees start at 0.6% and reduce automatically as your trade volume increases.
We use a tiered system to calculate your trading fees.
We calculate your trading fee tier based on your trade volume (in Australian dollars) over the last 30 days, and we recalculate your 30-day trade volume every 60 minutes.
To see your current trading fee tier, trade volume over the last 30 days, and distance to reach the next tier, check your Profile.
Trading fee tier levels
The following table displays the tiers, associated fees, and the required trading volume to be eligible for each tier.
< less than
≥ greater than or equal to
Tier | Trading fee | 30-day trade volume (AUD) |
Regular | 0.6% | <$100,000 |
VIP 1 | 0.55% | ≥ $100,000 |
VIP 2 | 0.5% | ≥ $300,000 |
VIP 3 | 0.45% | ≥ $400,000 |
VIP 4 | 0.4% | ≥ $500,000 |
VIP 5 | 0.35% | ≥ $1,000,000 |
VIP 6 | 0.3% | ≥ $3,000,000 |
VIP 7 | 0.25% | ≥ $4,000,000 |
VIP 8 | 0.2% | ≥ $5,000,000 |
VIP 9 | 0.1% | ≥ $6,000,000 |
How we calculate your trading fees
We will calculate your trading fee based on your previous 30-day trading volume on a rolling basis every hour.
Whenever your 30-day trade volume reaches the next tier, your fees will be updated at the next hourly calculation. We do not apply different fees on a single trade.
How it works
Example 1
You make a $100,000 AUD trade with no previous trades. This means you'll be charged the standard 0.6% fee for that trade. But, at the next hourly calculation, you'll reach the next trading tier and get reduced trading fees of 0.55% for the remainder of the 30-day period.
Example 2
You make a $50,000 AUD trade on day one and another $50,000 AUD trade on day 15. This means you will get reduced trading fees of 0.55% for the following 15 days or as long as your 30-day trade volume is equal to or greater than $100,000 AUD, having reached the VIP 1 Tier.
Taking this example further, if in the following 15 days you:
- don’t make any further trades, on the 31st day, you will no longer meet the threshold for the VIP 1 Tier, as your trade volume in the previous 30-day period will no longer be equal to or greater than $100,000 AUD; or
- make another $50,000 AUD trade, you will remain in the VIP 1 Tier and continue to enjoy reduced trading fees of 0.55% for as long as your 30-day trade volume is equal to or greater than $100,000 AUD.
How to check your trading fee and tier
- Select the three lines
in the top left corner to expand the side menu and select
- Select
Trade fees. Here, you can find your current trading fee, trading fee tier, 30-day trading volume and progress towards the next trading fee tier.
- Select the three lines
Select your circled initial in the top right corner of the dashboard and select
Account settings.
- Go to Trade fees in the profile menu. You may need to scroll to find this if you’re using a smaller screen. Here, you can find your current trading fee, trading fee tier, 30-day trading volume and progress towards the next trading fee tier.
Select your circled initial in the top right corner of the dashboard and select
Trigger order trading fees
Your trading fee tier level at the time a trigger order is executed will be used instead of your trading fee tier level when you set the trigger order.
For example, if you set a trigger order with a trading fee of 0.6%, but when it is executed, your trading fee is 0.4%, the order will be executed at the lower fee of 0.4%.
There are no fees charged for cancelled on trigger orders, only orders that have been successfully completed.
Swapping crypto trading fees
Swap orders are a combination of a sell and a buy order. Each of the buy and sell orders incur a fee calculated based on your trading fee tier.
For example, if your trading fee tier is 0.6%, a swap order will incur a total charge of 1.2%.
OTC (over-the-counter) trading fees
OTC trading has its own pricing structure, so the trading fee tiers do not apply to trades made through the OTC desk. However, these trades still contribute to your 30-day trade volume.
Discounted trading fees
Occasionally, we may run a promotion that offers reduced fees. If eligible, you will be charged the lower trading fee of either your tiered trading fee level or the promotional trading fee. Any trades made during a promotion will still count towards your 30-day trade volume.
If you receive a discount on your trading fees from a Swyftx team member and then become eligible for further discounts based on your trade volume, you will receive the lower rate.
Your trading fee tier level does not affect the spreads on our platform.
To find out more about spreads, read our help article on the difference between the buy and sell prices.