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Market alerts

Use Market alerts to get app notifications for major market changes, as well as price fluctuations for up to 10 of our most popular assets. This feature is only available for our mobile app.


How to turn on market alerts for the Swyftx app

  1. Select the three lines three lines burger menu.svg in the top left corner to expand the side menu.
  2. Select profile new.svg Profile, then select bell notification new.svg Notifications.
  3. Select Configure system notifications to ensure that you allow notifications on your device for Swyftx.
  4. Return to bell notification new.svg Notifications in the Swyftx app. From here, you can:
    • Toggle Market movements on or off to be alerted of major market changes, and
    • Toggle individual Asset movements on or off to receive alerts for significant price fluctuations for up to 10 of our most popular assets.

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