If you’ve sent crypto to Swyftx, but it hasn’t arrived, we can help understand what happened and where your crypto deposit may be.
There are a number of reasons why crypto deposits may be delayed or not arrive, including:
- Missing memo or destination tag: A memo or destination tag was required but it wasn't added during the transaction.
- Incorrect address or network: Crypto was sent to the wrong address.
- Unsupported tokens: Deposited tokens that Swyftx does not support.
- NFT sent to Swyftx: An NFT was mistakenly sent to Swyftx.
Crypto deposits can take up to 1 hour to arrive in your Swyftx account.
Any crypto deposits sent incorrectly will be unrecoverable. However, the team can investigate whether the transfer was sent correctly and, if so, the reason for the delay. We will typically request:
- Transaction hash/ID (TxID)
- Name of sending platform