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Swyftx Rewards

Swyftx Rewards is where you'll claim your sign-up bonuses, and it also lets you opt-in to complete tasks within an allotted timeframe to earn crypto and other special offers.

Available rewards are personalised to your individual Swyftx account. Check the Swyftx Rewards section of your profile for new tasks and rewards.

Navigate to your Swyftx Rewards

  • App

    Remember to Opt-in before completing tasks, then Redeem once tasks are completed.

    1. Select the three lines three lines burger menu.svg in the top left corner to expand the side menu, then select profile new.svg Profile.
    2. Select rewards new.svg Swyftx Rewards to view your Available rewards, History, and Rewards earned.
    3. You can also view each reward you've earned by going to transactions new.svg Transactions in the toolbar.
  • Web

    Remember to Opt-in before completing tasks, then Redeem once tasks are completed.

    1. Select the gift box icon gift new.svg next to your circled initial in the top right corner of your dashboard.
    2. Select rewards new.svg Swyftx Rewards to view your Available rewards, Rewards history and Rewards earned.
    3. You can also view each reward you've earned by going to new clock web transactions.svg Transactions in the side menu.

About Swyftx Rewards

  • To be eligible to complete tasks and receive rewards, you must select Opt-in for each reward in the Swyftx Rewards section of your profile.
  • To opt-in to Swyftx Rewards, your account must be verified.
  • There are timeframes for the completion of tasks to earn rewards. Once you opt-in, go to your Available rewards page to see the time remaining to complete the tasks before the rewards expire.
  • To redeem your rewards after completing the required tasks within the timeframe, you must select Redeem; otherwise, the reward will expire.
  • Swyftx Rewards are subject to the terms and conditions contained on the Swyftx Rewards page and our Terms of Use.

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