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Swyftx mobile widgets

Widgets allow you to quickly gather key information right from your phone's home screen. Check your portfolio's performance or see which assets are going up and down, all without loading the full Swyftx app.

We offer five widgets for iOS and Android: Gainers, Losers, Favourites, Single assets, and Portfolio.

To use Favourites and Portfolio, you will be prompted to log in to your Swyftx account. You do not need a Swyftx account to use Gainers, Losers, and Single assets.

Add and edit widgets

Follow the device-specific instructions to add and edit widgets.

About widgets

  • Android

    • Ensure you have the latest version of the app via the Google Play Store (v2.7.0 or later).
    • Display up to 5 widgets at once.
    • Choose between AUD, NZD, or USD as your display currency when setting up your widget.
    • Auto-refreshes every 30 minutes, or manual refresh by pressing the Refresh icon.
    • Not available for smartwatches, vehicle displays, or lock screen use.
    • Favourites and Portfolio are not available for company, trust, or SMSF accounts.
    • If you see an error message, press the Reload button. If that doesn't resolve it, remove and re-add the widget.
  • iOS

    • Ensure you have the latest version of the app via the App Store (v2.7.0 or later).
    • Display up to 5 widgets at once.
    • Choose between AUD, NZD, and USD as your display currency once you set up your widget. Your display currency will default to AUD until changed manually.
    • Auto-refreshes every 5 minutes.
    • Not available for smartwatches, vehicle displays, or lock screen use.
    • Favourites and Portfolio are not available for company, trust, or SMSF accounts.
    • If you see an error message, remove and re-add the widget.

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