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Create an account

Create your Swyftx account to enjoy access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies with competitive trading fees, all on a user-friendly platform that prioritises your security.

Once you've created your account, learn about all things crypto with Swyftx Learn, practice trading with Demo mode, or find out more about Swyftx in Get started.

If you want to create an entity account, please visit our support article Create an entity account (trust, company, or SMSF).

How to create a Swyftx account

  • App

    You can only create a Swyftx account from within Australia or New Zealand.

        1. Download the Swyftx app.

          Download on the App Store  Get it on Google Play
        2. Open the app and select Create an account.
        3. Select Create account.
        4. Select your country of residence.
        5. Enter your full name.
        6. Enter and verify your email address.
        7. Enter and verify your mobile number.
        8. Create a password. For password tips, check out our Password requirements and management.
        9. Your Swyftx account is now set up.

    Next, you'll want to complete your initial ID verification.

  • Web

    You can only create a Swyftx account from within Australia or New Zealand.

      1. Go to the Swyftx home page and select Sign up in the top right corner.
      2. Fill in the following details:
        • Country of residence
        • First and last name
        • Mobile number
        • Email address.
      3. Verify your mobile number.
      4. Verify your email address.
      5. Create a password. For password tips, check out Password requirements and management.
      6. Your Swyftx account is now set up.

    Next, you'll want to complete your initial ID verification.

Swyftx strongly encourages the addition of two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA is the most significant upgrade you can make for your account security.

Read more: Set up two-factor authentication

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