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Manage your orders and transactions

You can view and manage all completed, open/pending, and cancelled/failed orders by navigating to your Transactions.

Here, you will find detailed information about your current and past orders, including:

  • order type
  • quantity of an ordered asset
  • the exchange rate at the time of sale
  • total transaction price
  • fees
  • order or transaction status

You can also view all your previous orders and account history if you download a transaction report.


View all orders or cancel an order

  • App

    1. From the toolbar, select transactions new.svg Transactions.
    2. To view open orders only, select the Status filter and unselect Completed and Failed / Cancelled.
    3. To cancel an order: Select the order you wish to cancel, then select Cancel order.
  • Web

    1. To view your order history, go to new clock web transactions.svg Transactions in the side menu.
    2. To view open orders only, select the Status filter, then select Open.
    3. To cancel an order: Select the three dots, then select Cancel order.


Transaction statuses

Transactions can have several statuses depending on whether you're transacting Australian dollars, New Zealand dollars, or crypto.

If you navigate to Transactions on our app or web platform, you'll typically find one of the following statuses alongside each transaction:

Pending: The transaction is in the queue to be actioned.

Processing: The transaction is still being processed and should arrive at the desired destination shortly.

Completed: The transaction was successful.

Rejected/Cancelled/Failed: An issue has occurred with the transaction processing or the wallet address/account number to which these funds were sent. The funds should return to the originating account.

Timeframes for how long a transaction will take to arrive at a wallet address or in an account will depend on a variety of factors. For specific timeframes, please visit the following articles:

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