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Swapping crypto

Swapping allows you to trade one asset for another in a single transaction. You can set up a swap order from multiple places throughout the app and web platform.

For example, using a swap, you can exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum in a single step rather than making two separate trades.

You can swap any cryptocurrency listed on the platform for another. However, if your base currency is BTC, you can't exchange other assets for BTC.

A 1.2% fee is charged when you swap one asset for another, calculated as the fee for two separate trades: a sell and a buy.

The fee breakdown will be shown when you review your order details.

How to swap crypto on Swyftx

  • App

    1. Set up a swap order by selecting the new swap icon.svg Swap icon from the quickactions.svg Quick actions menu on the dashboard, or on an asset wallet page and single asset pages to have your swap order pre-filled with the asset you're viewing.
    2. Choose the assets to trade from and to, and select the amount of your 'from' asset to spend.
    3. Select Review order details, then Place order.
  • Web

    1. Set up a swap order by selecting the Swap button from the trade new.svg Trade page or from a single asset page. You can also use the new swap icon.svg Swap icon from within the Order panel.
    2. Choose the assets to trade from and to, and select the amount of your 'from' asset to spend.
    3. Select Review order details, then Place order.

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