How can we help?

Reset or change your password

Regular password changes help to enhance security and prevent unauthorised access. Old or easily guessable passwords can leave accounts vulnerable to being compromised.

Find out more about Password requirements and management to ensure your password is as strong as can be.

Reset a forgotten password

  1. Request a new password from the sign-in page.
  2. You will receive an email to your registered email with Swyftx to confirm the password change. Check your inbox and click the link to confirm the password change.
  3. Enter and save a new password before returning back to the sign-in page.

Change your password

  • App

    You will not be able to make crypto withdrawals for up to 48 hours after a password change.

    1. Select the three lines three lines burger menu.svg in the top left corner to expand the side menu.
    2. Select profile new.svg Profile, then select password new.svg Security & passwords.
    3. Select Change password.
  • Web

    You will not be able to make crypto withdrawals for up to 48 hours after a password change.

    1. Select your circled initial in the top right corner of the dashboard and select setting.svg Account settings.
    2. Select Security in the profile menu, then select Change password.

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