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Verify your email and phone number

When setting up your Swyftx account, we will ask you to verify your email and phone number.

After you have verified your email and phone number, you will need to verify your identity.

How to verify your email

  • App

    1. Select the three lines three lines burger menu.svg in the top left corner to expand the side menu.
    2. Select profile new.svg Profile, then Verification.
    3. Select Email from the list. We will send you an email to verify your email address.
    4. Check your email inbox for an email from Swyftx and select Confirm my account.
    5. After you have successfully verified your email, you can verify your phone number.

    Verify your email

  • Web

    1. Select your circled initial in the top right corner of the dashboard and select setting.svg Account settings.
    2. Select Verification in the profile menu then select Verify email. We will send you an email to verify your email address.
    3. Check your email inbox for an email from Swyftx and select Confirm my account.
    4. After you have successfully verified your email, you can verify your phone number.

    Verify your email

How to verify your phone number

  • App

    1. Select the three lines three lines burger menu.svg in the top left corner to expand the side menu.
    2. Select profile.svg Profile, then Verification.
    3. Select Phone and follow the prompts to complete the verification.

    Verify your phone number

  • Web

    1. Select your circled initial in the top right corner of the dashboard and select setting.svg Account settings.
    2. Select Verification in the profile menu, then select Verify phone and follow the prompts to complete the verification.

    Verify your phone number

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