Never miss market movements with price alerts. Create price alerts for any asset we list on Swyftx and get notified when your selected targets are met.
You can access your price alerts from your Dashboard or a single asset page in Assets or Wallet. Price alerts can be set by price target or by % changes.
You can set price alerts against different currencies by changing your default platform currency. This means you can pair the asset against AUD, NZD, USD, or BTC, depending on which base currency you're trading in.
How to create and view your price alerts
- From the Dashboard, select the Price alerts icon. Alternatively, select the Price alerts icon in the top right corner of a single asset page.
- You can sort your price alerts by Active and Triggered.
- Select Create new alert.
- Select your desired asset, then select whether you want to set your alert By price target or By % changes.
By price target: Enter the target price. You can also use the % buttons to set an alert at a percentage higher or lower than the asset's current mid price.
By % changes: Enter the 'Whenever asset price changes by' percentage. This is a recurring alert that can be set to a 1-hour or 24-hour frequency, depending on preference. - Review your alert settings and select Set new alert.
- From the Dashboard, select the Price alerts icon. Alternatively, select the Price alerts icon in the top right corner of a single asset page.
- You can sort your price alerts by Active and Triggered.
- Select Create new alert.
- Select your desired asset, then select whether you want to set your alert By price target or By % changes. You can also select multiple assets at once.
By price target: Enter the target price. You can also use the % buttons to set an alert at a percentage higher or lower than the asset's current mid price.
By % changes: Enter the 'Whenever asset price changes by' percentage. This is a recurring alert that can be set to a 1-hour or 24-hour frequency, depending on preference. - Review your alert settings and select Set new alert.
Edit, pause, delete, and filter price alerts
- To edit an active price alert, select it from Active and make your desired changes.
- You can only pause alerts that are set By % changes. To pause or resume an alert, select the toggle next to the alert under Active.
- To delete an active price alert, select it from Active and then select the trash can icon at the top right corner. To delete all active or triggered alerts, select the trash can icon to the bottom left of your alerts list.
- To filter your price alerts, use the Assets and Type drop-down menus at the top of your alerts home.
- To edit an active price alert, find it in your Active alerts list and select the Edit button on the right side.
- You can only pause alerts that are set By % changes. To pause or resume an alert, select the toggle next to the alert in your Active alerts list.
- To delete an active price alert, select it from your Active alerts list and select the Delete button on the right side. To delete all active or triggered alerts, select the Delete all button in the top right corner of your alerts home.
- To filter your price alerts, use the Assets and Type drop-down menus at the top of your alerts home.